Online meditations432Hz Universal Healing Frequency

432Hz Universal Healing Frequency Play


Many people know that the 432Hz frequency has healing power, there are hundreds of articles about it, but only a few experts know that the therapeutic potential increases when this frequency is modulated by the 8Hz alpha-brainwave rhythm. The 432Hz frequency is known since antiquity. The musical instruments of Ancient Egypt were tuned to 432Hz. Musical instruments in ancient Greece were also tuned to 432Hz. Cymantics proves special properties of this frequency, when exposed this frequency the sand on a metal plate forms sophisticated fractal patterns that no other frequency can create. You can see multiple examples on YouTube. In the proposed program of The Advanced Mind Institute, the frequency of 432 Hz is used as the carrier frequency for the isochronous tone, modulated by 8Hz alpha-rhythm. This specific combination of rhythm and frequency unlocks the healing powers of vibrations. You can use this meditation for any healing practice you like. You can meditate any time of the day. Please note it is not recommended to listen to this neuroacoustic meditation more than 4 times a day. Once a week take a break. To get the most benefits, use it when meditating. Passive listening while engaged in any other activity will make this meditation less ineffective. Before you begin, please adjust the volume, it should be comfortable, not too quiet, and not too loud. Please use stereo headphones. When you meditate, always close your eyes! How to meditate? Assume any position that is comfortable for you; one in which your joints and muscles aren't stressed or tensed. Such a position should be one you can maintain for a reasonable amount of time. Close your eyes, and cease your internal chatter. Within a few minutes--usually fewer than ten--your mind and body will relax. The program will guide you toward a state in which "the mind is asleep but the body is awake," where you won't be distracted by your thoughts but can instead concentrate on your breathing. You should listen to the program using a headset only. Use a good-quality headset that covers the entire ear instead of using an earplug type. You can work with the program at any time of day.