Meditation Program The Symphony of the Earth

Meditation Program The Symphony of the Earth
  • Alpha-rhythms
Please meditate in headphones
Please use this program as meditation
May be played back through speakers.
May be played back in the background mode.
This program uses Dolby Surround Sound 5.1
The meditation program contains an audiostrobe track.
Playback time: Rating: Reviews: Price:
30 Min.
0 $ 18.50


The Earth’s planetary rhythms affect all living creatures on Earth, including humans. These rhythms are well known to scientists and researchers, they were discovered by Otto Schumann, professor of the Munich University and were named after him. The Schumann resonance phenomenon has been subject of many studies. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. If the electromagnetic wave that has arisen in this medium after bending around the globe again coincides with its own phase (enters into resonance), then it can exist for a long time.

After numerous studies the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz was accurately determined. Its peak intensity can be detected at ~8Hz, along with its harmonics with lower intensity at 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45 Hz due to frequency-related, ionospheric propagation loss.

"The Symphony of the Earth" is attuned to Schumann resonance. But there is more to it. The program uses the 194.18Hz as the carrier frequency. What is this frequency? The 194.18 Hz tone is the 24th octave of one earth day. If a tuning fork oscillates 194.18 times per second back and forth, but at 24 octaves lower, then it would take exactly one day to oscillate back and forth just once. Thus, the 194.18Hz frequency strictly corresponds to a 24-hour planetary rhythm. These frequencies affect all the living beings on our planet. Scientists have discovered that proteins in our body resonate precisely with these frequencies. If you are tuned to 194.18Hz then you are tuned to the micro-biological resonance of proteins. Being tuned to that sound brings you in many respects into harmony with nature and yourself. This frequency resonates with the first chakra – Muldahara, it causes energy to flow into this area. This frequency also resonates with the spine. During your meditation session you will feel the energy of the first chakra rising up the spine. Muldahara resonates at 194.18Hz, 256Hz and 396Hz. There is another interesting feature. When practicing group meditations, the resonance is amplified many times over. Therefore, this program allows you to attune to the ambient vibrations even without headphones. For this purpose this program is encoded in Dolby Surround Sound 5.1. You can use a high-quality speaker system, just make sure the speakers are equidistant from the meditator.

Why is it so important to attune to these frequencies?

Since life began, the Earth has been surrounding all living things with this natural frequency. Our civilization, on the other hand, has created for people an artificial environment in which they are surrounded by 50 or 60Hz electromagnetic fields, which are rejected by our bodies. The overall resonant frequency of a healthy person is 64Hz. This is a rounded value for one of the harmonics of the Schumann resonance, but it does not match the standard frequency of electrical networks. The Schumann resonance harmonics are as follows: 7,83 – 14,1 – 20,3 – 26,4 – 32,4Hz.
Ideally, electric networks should operate either at 32Hz or 64Hz, then they would not have such a negative impact on our health. But apparently the society we live in did not consider it necessary to set the electromagnetic fields surrounding us to bioresonance frequencies. This is why a special meditation program was developed at Advanced Mind Institute. This program helps a person to tune in to bio-planetary rhythms, as hundreds of generations of people did before the advent of the technological era. This program will help you tune in to these natural planetary rhythms.
"The Symphony of the Earth" consists of two parts. The first part lasts 8 minutes, it starts with a brainwave frequency of 12.9Hz and will gradually decreases to 7.83Hz. On the 8th minute, the rhythms are set to a strictly calibrated frequency of 7.83Hz and for the next 22 minutes you will attune to the Schumann resonance. The program uses the sounds of our planet recorded by NASA probes. You will hear exactly how our Earth sounds from space.

"The Symphony of the Earth" has special features.

The program has some specifics. If you'll observe the following guidelines, you can feel the program results after your very first session.

  • Begin the program on an empty stomach or two hours before or after a meal.
  • The use of the program will be most beneficial during the active planetary hours. To ensure the best results, you may listen to it during the first day planetary hour and the second night planetary hour of your location. The first day planetary hour is the early morning time. For help, you can use the Advanced Mind Institute planetary hour calculator.
  • You can use headphones or speakers.
  • It's important to be well hydrated as you listen to the program. So, we recommend that you drink a glass of clear water (but no other type of liquid) shortly before the meditation.
  • Avoid any interruption as you work with the program. It could be a good idea to turn off your cell phone and any type of audible or vibratory reminder.
  • It's important to listen to the program at a modest (medium) volume. Playback at high volume will diminish the program's effectiveness. It's a good idea to listen to a short meditation fragment so that you can set the ideal volume before the start of your meditation.
  • Never work with a program while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.
  • If you happen to fall asleep while listening to the program, don't worry. Simply deactivate the auto-repeat function on your player before the start of the session.
  • If you meditate before going to bed your sleep may improve.
  • You can work with the program six days a week. Moreover, "The Symphony of the Earth" can be combined with other Advanced Mind Institute programs as long as you take a two- to four-hour break between them.
  • Be sure you're listening to the original program that you have downloaded from the Advanced Mind Institute website. We assume no responsibility for any third-party program.

How does one meditate?

Assume any position that is comfortable for you; one in which your joints and muscles aren't stressed or tensed. Such a position should be one you can maintain for a reasonable amount of time. Close your eyes, and cease your internal chatter. Within a few minutes--usually fewer than ten--your mind and body will relax. It's a pleasant sensation; an experience you will learn to recognize and seek.

A more detailed description can be found here: The Right Way to Meditate

Drink a refreshing glass of cool (but not cold) water shortly before your meditation.

© Lenny Rossolovski 2014. All rights reserved.
For personal use only.


Never drive a vehicle or operate machinery while listening to any Advanced Mind Institute meditation program.Although Advanced Mind Institute meditation programs do contribute to wellness, it is not meant to be a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. Do not exceed two hours of total listening time per day.This product should not be used while under the influence of alcohol or other mind-state changing substances, legal or illegal.

People who should seek advice from a doctor prior to using this product include:

- Those who are photosensitive.
- Women who are pregnant.
- Those with a history of seizures and/or epilepsy.
- Those using a pacemaker.
- Those under the influence of medication or drugs.
- Those under the age of 18, as they are more likely to experience seizures.

The user of Advanced Mind Institute audio recordings accepts all liability in using said recordings, waiving any claims against Advanced Mind Institute and its affiliates for any and all mental or physical injuries. If the user allows other persons to use these audio recordings, he or she also assumes all liabilities and risks. In no case will Advanced Mind Institute or other distributors of these audio recordings be held liable for chance, random, accidental, unpredictable, special, direct or indirect damages resulting from use, misuse or defect of its products, directions or documentation.

Advanced Mind Institute meditation programs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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